Badass Mamas

  • Running During Pregnancy by Laura

    When I found out I was pregnant, I was in the midst of training for a half marathon. In fact, I had an 11 mile run planned for the following day. On the basis that I wouldn't be doing something my body wasn't used to, I carried on with my training but let go of any time-based goals. The little bit of research I had done said that not getting the heart rate up too high was the aim, so I have tried to stick to that throughout which has meant ditching interval training and anything else speed-related.
  • From Baby to Marathon PB in 11 Months by Emily

    I run my first Parkrun almost exactly 3 months since having Ted; a very hilly Parkrun in Lullingstone. I finish feeling exhausted but great to have done it. As I walk over to my husband at the finish I realise my leggings are wet. I’ve basically wet myself. I want to cry